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Carol Vorderman's 28 Day Detox Diet
the video
TV presenter Carol Vorderman looks great for any age, never mind a fortysomething with two youngsters. Vorderman attributes her new slim shape and bundles of new-found energy to a detox diet. Her 28 Day Detox Diet is not a diet video as such. It is a 28-day plan to revamp the way you eat, plan and think about food. Assisted by "detox guru" Ko Chohan (who created the plan), Carol explains her own trials with diets that didn't work, illustrated by "before" photos from when she was two stone heavier and the "after" footage now. Carol makes it sound easy and is a charming host; her own physical beauty is compelling evidence for the plan's success.


Carol Vorderman's Detox for Life
the book
Carol Vorderman is leading the detox craze with the follow-up book to her popular video, 28 Day Detox Diet. She has teamed up once again with Ko Chohan, creator of the detox diet, to provide guidance to those wanting to lose weight, gain energy and feel better about themselves

How Maths Works
A guide to the wonders of mathematics with hundreds of experiments, puzzles and tricks for all the family. It investigates many mathematical questions and lets you discover the answers by using basic mathematical equipment and items from your home or garden

Maths Made Easy Range

Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 1: Ages 7-8
Dorling Kindersley has produced an excellent range of books that are ideal for helping children with maths away from the classroom.
This home study scheme aims to reinforce the essential maths skills children learn in school, prepares children for national testing at 7 and 11 years and is a complete, one-stop, educationally strong home-study scheme which covers the whole of a child's primary maths course.
Supported by Carol Vorderman, who is committed to popularising maths and science and making them easier for everyone, each book features notes for parents to enable them to help children work through the problems as the graduated system of learning kicks in.
Good-looking books that appeal to the eyes as well as the grey matter

Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy: Times Tables: Ages 5-7.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 1: Ages 5-6.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 2: Ages 5-6
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy: TimesTables: Ages 7-11.
Carol Vorderman's Pop Music Times Tables
Carol Vorderman's English Made Easy: Age 3-5 - Early Reading.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 2: Ages 6-7.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book1: Ages 10-11.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy - Keys Stage 2, Ages 9-11: Fractions.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 1: Ages 7-8.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 3: Ages 10-11.
Carol Vorderman's Maths Made Easy Book 2: Ages 7-8.