Born: 24 December 1960
Place of Birth: Bedford
School: Blessed Edward Jones Catholic School, Rhyl

Famous For: One of Britain's most famous TV presenters.
Trivia: Carol has an IQ of 154.
Biography: One of the most popular and highly - paid presenters on television, Carol is best known as the face of numerous science and education programmes, and as the co-presenter on 'Countdown'. Born in Bedford but brought up in North East Wales, Carol - a member of MENSA - says her passion for numbers began while under the tutelage of maths teacher Mr Parry at the Blessed Edward Jones school. Mr Parry, an extremely strict man known for his fondness for throwing blackboard dusters in response to wrong answers, encouraged Carol to develop her talent for mathematics. Carol has since described him as "pretty wonderful, keen to push everyone to their best", which succeeded in most cases; most in his classes passed their Maths O-Level with distinctions.
The Maths pass joined thirteen others that Carol obtained, later joined by three A- Levels and a degree (third class) in Engineering from Cambridge.
Carol's television career began in 1982 as the letters and numbers girl on 'Countdown', the first programme broadcast on Channel 4 in November. Prior to the show she had been working for an electrical retailer in Leeds, only applying to the programme on the insistence of her mother.
Still a 'Countdown' regular with Richard Whiteley, Carol has gone on to host a wide variety of programmes on many TV channels, and is actively involved in numerous educational projects. Despite being one of the country's most famous - and highest earning - women, she has kept in touch with her North Wales roots, opening the New Community University of Wales in Llandudno in 2000.
Moment of Glory: Carol was awarded the MBE for Services to Broadcasting in the New Year's Honours List 2001.
Off the Record: Carol's career suffered a brief setback when she was sacked as presenter of 'Tomorrow's World' for promoting a washing powder on a commercial channel.

What's Your Story? Were you at school with Carol, or did you experience Maths lessons with Mr Parry? Do you know of any other famous TV presenters from North East Wales? Have Your Say or email us at