Not Really an interview but I found it one day while looking around web pages


Nothing escapes the attention of The loveable all-round TV personality Carol Vorderman's due to have an autobiography published and we have one or two ideas about what the title and the content may be.

What might be in Vorderman's Book
'I am Richard Whiteley's Slave' tells a moving story of success against the odds and the evens from the numbers game, featuring Vorderman's Countdown career highlight when both contestants spell out the word 'wankers' during the letters game.

When you open the book at page one there are a whole load of letters in random order that you have to put together to spell out the chapters. Once you've done this you can:

Marvel at her attempts to get 931 without a number from the top row

Shock at Richard Whiteley's ties and general unfunny puns that send the octogenerian audience over the edge and into a deep slumber

Wince as Carol wears inappropriate dresses that prove that having brains doesn't mean you get taste or style.
The last page of the book has a special bonus surprise for fans of Vorderman. - one of those annoying tinny tune things which come on when you open the page. It's 80s mullet-rock band Europe banging out a noughties remix of 'The Final Countdown' – with Vorderman on vocals, naturally.

A Few Ideas For A Title